Right Path Behavioral Health Services

Case Management

Targeted Mental Health Case Management

  • The purpose of Targeted Mental Health Case Management is to assist the individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services.
  • Goal is to optimize the functioning of recipients who have complex needs by coordinating the provision of quality treatment and support services in the most efficient and effective manner.
  • Services should accurately reflect the individual needs, goals, and abilities of each recipient.

Functions and Roles of Targeted Case Management

  • Helping the recipient obtain basic support
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • Assessment to determine needed services and resources
  • Outcome focused service planning
  • Referral and linkage with chosen services
  • Coordinating and adjusting service delivery
  • Advocacy

Mental Health TCM Target Groups

  • Mental Health Case Management must be provided only to those who qualify in one of the identified groups:
  • Children’s Target Group: Birth to 17 years old
  • Adult Target Group: Age 18 and older

What Does Targeted Case Management Do?

If an adult or child has a mental health diagnosis and needs food, housing, clothing, assistance in the IEP/504 development process, help with meeting educational needs, or needs information but does not know where to go, Targeted Case Management can help you.
WE are here to assist adults and children in getting through the services process that is often difficult to navigate. WE serve as your voice in getting the services you need. WE serve as a link between you and the resources you need. WE can link you to housing, education, recreation, and other needed services. WE monitor your progress and advocate on your behalf.
WE are glad to be here to HELP!
(904) 765-0665

About Us

Providing services and support to youth &
adults suffering from Mental Health
and/or Behavioral Disorders.


3890 Dunn Ave. Suite 1104
Jacksonville, FL 32218
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Telephone: (904)-765-0665
Fax: (904)-765-0664
Email: info@rightpathbehavior.com